“And it won’t be forgotten”
We don't normally celebrate landmarks in Bowie’s career unless they are in five year increments, but we’ve broken that loose rule today.
In a piece about a promotional T shirt for Lodger in the BOWIE KOOKS fan group on this day last year, we mentioned the 40th anniversary of the album in passing.
Here’s what we said: “With evidence now suggesting that we've been celebrating Lodger a week too early (actual release date is more likely to be May 25th, 1979), here's a very rare promo Lodger T-shirt.”
Further research proves that May 25th, 1979, was indeed the date Lodger was released. The biggest clue has been chart entry dates, particularly during the period when Bowie’s albums would enter the UK chart upon release.
With Lodger, there were other pieces of evidence proving the date of May 18th highly unlikely.
Either way, if you’re not familiar with the album, check out the original 1979 version or Tony Visconti’s 2017 Mix. Here’s Fantastic Voyage from the latter, an incredible song that could have been written for today’s times.
Cover image of Lodger by Duffy Archive.
#BowieLodger #BowieFantasticVoyage #ANewCareerInANewTownBox